Q. How can I submit an article for publication?
Emergency Physicians Monthly has led the trend in quick-hit editorial offerings in emergency medicine. Clinical features should focus on the practical clinical elements that can improve practice and the hard facts most necessary for saving lives. EPM is not a research journal and our style reflects that fact: all language should be straight forward and concise. Contact EPM at the email address below for a complete editorial calendar to see when your article topic might fit well into EPM’s editorial line-up.
Non-Clinical Features
Emergency Physicians Monthly is the one magazine where readers come to get non-clinical articles pertaining to the life of an emergency physician. Whether you have a particular insight into how the life of an emergency physician intersects finance, sports, the arts, etc… we want to hear about it. If it’s an issue that is important to you and your colleagues, it’s important to EPM.
To Submit an Article
If you are interested in submitting an article, whether clinical or non-clinical, begin by sending in a query to the contact below.
Your query should include:
-Your main idea, your angle, a working title
-A few key bullets supporting your thesis
-An explanation as to why you are the appropriate person to write this piece
Graphic Material & Article Length
All case studies must be accompanied by hi-resolution images (minimum 300 dpi).
Although word count varies widely by topic, a lead story will run about 1200 words, while a departmental piece can be as short as 400 words.
Send queries by post or email to:
Emergency Physicians Monthly
C/O Logan Plaster, Editor
210 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn, NY 11201

•All photos should generate a large differential diagnosis to be discussed in the write-up.
•Must sign a document stating that you have received verbal permission from patient to take photo and have it published in an educational publication. If the photo is of the face or other identifying body part, written and signed consent is necessary.
•Photo must be high resolution, at least 300 dpi
•Email submission to editor@epmonthly.online
•Once received, photos become the property of EPM and will not be returned
•Photo must be accompanied by a brief description of the case in question including the past medical problems, the vitals and what the patient was diagnosed with in the end.
Q. How can I order official reprint?
PARS International is the exclusive reprint provider for Emergency Physicians Monthly magazine and website.
A Reprint is a high-quality replication (in printed or electronic form) of an individual Emergency Physicians Monthly magazine cover or magazine/website article. Reprints are an excellent way to increase awareness of your product, company or organization. Here are a few of the most popular and effective variations:
Great for press kits, meetings, conferences and informational handouts, Reprints can be customized in many ways to meet your educational, marketing or promotional needs. Depending on the page size of the custom reprint, the minimum order quantity ranges from 250-500.
Emergency Physicians Monthly articles are available in a customized digital format known as an E-print. An E-print is a custom PDF image of the article reprint – the PDF is hosted on a dedicated server at PARS International and you are provided with link access to the image for licenses in 3, 6 and 12 month renewable increments. The link can be posted on your website or integrated into e-mail blasts, e-newsletters and e-mail promotion. The E-print is printable for personal reading purposes only (not for distribution). For copyright reasons, all E-prints contain an embedded copyright watermark that will appear on all printed copies.
Was your product reviewed in a Emergency Physicians Monthly’s print or online editions? Use the power of Emergency Physicians Monthly’s brand on a postcard to get the word out in your direct mail campaigns.
PARS International can create Posters and Plaques of Emergency Physicians Monthly material. These products allow you to prominently display editorial coverage in your establishment or at trade shows, annual meeting and other events.
For information on pricing, customization and turnaround time, please fill out the form at: http://tinyurl.com/PARS-Reprints-EPMonthly
PARS International is authorized to license Emergency Physicians Monthly editorial content and logos in promotional or educational materials you create.
In order to utilize Emergency Physicians Monthly content and brand appropriately, you need to secure a license from PARS International, Emergency Physicians Monthly’s authorized Content Licensing firm.
For information on licensing, including pricing and terms, please fill out the form at: http://tinyurl.com/PARS-Licensing-EPMonthly