App Review: Medscape, EMRashes, Read by QxMD,

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We’ll be giving you a handful of apps every month so you can put that computer in your pocket to work, not only when you have a little extra time between patients, but also when you’re at the head of the bed getting ready to intubate.

The Essential App: Medscape
A handy app you can use every day

Easily your one-stop shop for education, bedside reference and refreshing your memory on diseases. Register for free, and you’ll have access to news, disease descriptions, work-ups, decision rules, procedures, medication formularies and even a pill identifier. Good for the med student reviewing cardiac work-up basics all the way to the seasoned attending trying to figure out what tests to order for that once-in-a-blue-moon porphyria exacerbation. Available for both iOS and Google Play.


The Specialized App: EMRashes
You may not need it every shift, but when you do, you’ll be happy to have it.

The app takes the guesswork out of most rashes. Select a rash type, go through the algorithm and get a narrowed differential with treatment tips. This app was designed by two emergency physicians, Dr. Heather Murphy-Lavoie from New Orleans and Dr. David Kammer from Raleigh. It is available only for iOS, for $4.99.

The Educational App: Read by QxMD
This download will help you brush up and stay sharp.


Free for both iOS and Google Play, this is a smartphone and web-based app that can help you search millions of articles and create a personalized, digital medical journal to stay up with the science and your favorite topics. You can also use Read to share articles via social media.


John Dayton is an emergency physician and entrepreneur. He is the first Medical Innovation and Design Fellow at Stanford’s Department of Emergency Medicine.  In addition to prior service as President of Utah ACEP, he also founded Utah’s Society of Physician Entrepreneurs, advises medical startups and venture capital firms, and founded MedForums, a ‘yelp’ for medical education. He can be reached via email at

Dr. Lacocque is an EMS & Disaster Medicine Fellow at UCSF-ZSFG and serves as the EMS Section Editor for EM Resident Magazine, EMRA's official publication.

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