Radical Ideas to Improve the House of Medicine #2
Question: Who cares most about the cost of medical care? Answer: The ones that have…
Question: Who cares most about the cost of medical care? Answer: The ones that have…
No sooner did I hit the “publish” button for the previous post than did a…
I’ve been thinking a lot about how to improve the house of medicine. I have…
The December 29th edition of American Medical News has an article about how patients choose…
Watched NightLine Friday night with Mrs. WhiteCoat and there was an eye-opening story on how…
We’re already seeing influenza in our ED. The people coming in with it are really…
Drunken Loudmouth Dude (or “dood” if you’re Nurse K) gets brought in by the PO-lice…
I see this funny picture over at Dr. Dino’s blog introducing Shlomo, “Rudolph’s first cousin…
Forget the fact that Medicaid payments to physicians amount to less than the cost of…
Among many “changes” advocated by President-Elect Obama is a plan for mandated employer-based health insurance.…