Ritu Sahni MD, MPH
Dr. Sahni is a practicing EMS and Emergency Physician in Portland, OR. He is Immediate Past-President…
Andrew Makowski, MD, MA
Dr. Makowski is an Emergency Medicine attending at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Milwaukee, WI.
Josh Bettner, DO
Dr. Bettner is a graduate of WesternU, and a 3rd year resident at the MCW-All Saints…
Michael Kordecki, DPT, SCS, ATC
Dr. Kordecki is the owner of Praxis Physical Therapy and Human Performance in Vernon Hills, Illinois.
Yuka Kobayashi, DO, MS
Dr. Kobayashi is a graduate of WesternU and 2nd year resident at MCWAH.
Joshua Elder, MD, MPH
Dr. Elder is a practicing emergency physician and a Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar at the…
Leah Hatfield, PharmD, BCPS
Dr. Hatfield is a Lead Clinical Pharmacist Specialist, Emergency Medicine, at UNC Healthcare. She is…
Christie Lech, MD
Dr. Lech is an attending physician at both Bellevue Hospital Center and Tisch Hospital -…
Brennen Beatty, MD
Dr. Beatty is a practicing emergency physician in Austin, TX. Special thanks to Britta Barts, MBA…