Maryann Mazer-Amirshahi, MD
Maryann Mazer-Amirshahi, MD, PharmD, MPH is a practicing emergency medicine physician and medical toxicologist at MedStar…
Maryann Mazer-Amirshahi, MD, PharmD, MPH is a practicing emergency medicine physician and medical toxicologist at MedStar…
Taylor McCormick, MD is a fourth year emergency medicine resident at Los Angeles Country and…
Mandy Robar is an Ultrasound Fellow at Denver Health.
Mike Miller is a 3rd year Resident at Denver Health Emergency Medicine Residency.
Jeremiah D. Schuur, MD is the Co-Chair of ACEP’s Cost-Effective Care Taskforce, Chief of the…
Rhonda Cadena, MD is an assistant professor of emergency medicine and neurology at the University…
Justin Hepker, MD is an emergency physician at Franciscan St. Anthony Health in Michigan City,…
Adam Levine, MD is an assistant professor of emergency medicine and director of the Global…
Kerri A. Broderick, MD is an associate professor of emergency medicine at Denver Health Medical…
Bill Dribben, MD practices emergency medicine and toxicology at Washington University School of Medicine.